ombine the grapes and champagne in a large bowl. Place a small plate on top inside the bowl to hold the grapes down in the champagne. (they will want to float) Allow the grapes to soak for at least 12 hours.
Place the sugar in a bowl or zip-top bag.
Drain the grapes out of the champagne and place them in the bowl or bag of sugar. (do not dry the grapes before doing this - you want them damp so that the sugar will stick to them) Toss to coat the grapes in the sugar. If you need more sugar, feel free to add more to your liking depending on how coated you want the grapes to be.
Once coated, transfer to an airtight container and freeze for at least 2 hours before serving.
This recipe is best when served frozen.The grapes can be stored at room temperature for up to 24 hours, refrigerated for 4 days, and frozen for up to 1 month.