Easy Directions for Homemade



This homemade fruit brandy recipe is so easy & makes excellent gifts for the holidays or any occasion. Making your own homemade fruit liquor is easy with these tips!


– One - 2 pt jar per flavor – 2-1/2 cups fruit of choice or enough to fill the jar – *note- if making apricot brandy you can add the apricots whole- do not pit or skin – 12 tbsp granulated sugar – Vodka (least expensive) - Plastic bottle to fill


Sterilize your jars & allow to cool (very important step)


Fill with your fruit to the neck of the jar. Then add sugar followed by vodka to the neck of the jar.


Put the lid on and add a strip of tape & write the date on it


Flip every day for 3 months - once the fruit shrinks & is floating in the liquid it's okay to just give it a good shake everyday


When the 3 months is up- strain out the fruit pieces through a colander


 Transfer to air tight decorative bottles if giving as a gift.

For more tips and tricks for making this easy fruit liquor, swipe up!