Don’t let college expenses get out of control. These top tips on How to Save Money On Textbooks will help you stay in budget when heading back to school.
Today my son starts his first day of college. He’s a pre-med student & after homeschooling for his entire academic career, there are so many things to get used to & learn. I’m so proud of him, he’s paying for it 100% on his own & working really hard in order to make that happen. He’s so responsible, he’s worked for the last 2 years saving every penny. He used a good chunk to buy himself a real nice first vehicle that meets all his needs for our climate here. He was really good about saving the rest knowing that he had to pay tuition for this first semester. Because he’s paying for everything on his own, we wanted to make sure he only spent what he needed to & found the best deals on everything. Here are some of our top tips on where we found ways to save money.
How to Save Money On Textbooks
After doing some research we found that the best place to pick up his textbooks wasn’t on campus. I remember from my days in college that books always carried a heavy price tag. But we found that by using Amazon Textbooks Store he could save up to 80% off list price for rentals between 30-360 days. Like most other things on Amazon he can also save up to 60% off purchases too. I really like that the rental program is flexible, letting students decide how long to keep the material & they even pay the return shipping when they are done with it. That’s a good gig.
The Amazon Prime Student is 50% less than traditonal Amazon Prime so it’s really affordable for those young kids on a budget. Plus it’s FREE for the first 6 months & you can cancel at any time. I know how valuable my Prime membership is & how much it has saved me year after year, so of course I want my son to have those same benefits too. He really liked that he could get his textbooks quickly with the Prime shipping when his book list was only made available at the last minute. He still didn’t have to resort to buying in person.
How to Save Money On Textbooks
You know what I love the most though? All the added perks of Prime! Not only do you get free 2-day shipping & awesome deals. But Amazon Prime Student offers free game content every month, exclusive discounts, unlimited listening to original audio series with Audible & unlimited reading on any device with Prime reading. That’s really awesome.
**Sign up for Amazon Prime Student for Free Two-Day Shipping, exclusive college deals, unlimited streaming of tens of thousands of movies and TV shows with Prime Video, and so much more.
Find out about the latest deals and promotions by following Amazon Prime Student on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat (add ‘amazonstudent’).
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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Good luck, N!!!! I remember how pricery textbooks were! AU’s book store let you rent them or buy them used. I only bought new ones I knew I wanted to keep and kept them in pristine condition do I could resell them to the book shop or Amazon (by junior year0 for a higher price than had I wrecked them!