Okay- Jaymi- my dear sweet Jaymi!!! You have given me so much fun with the camera these past few weeks. God bless you!!!! When Jaymi posted her drops & told us all how to do it- I promptly wrote it all down & here it sat on my desk. For a week!!!!! I finally decided to give it a go. But I don’t have a macro lens – so I did things a bit differently. I didn’t think to take pics as I went- so you will have to just imagine.
First- I set up the tripod next to the sink. Picked out my fabrics I wanted to use as the back splash behind the water. I used my cheapo macro extension tube with my 75-300mm lens. (this set up works the best for macro for me) Now because it’s not the Canon extension– when I use the tube it not only gives me F/00 on my screen but it also forces me to focus manually. So I put my other settings at ISO400 & shutter at 1/200- focused on the bottom of the faucet & just kept clicking the shutter. I did also use my softbox on my speedlight too. It was a lot like capturing lightning- you just click & see what you got later. But I think that was what was fun about it. Sometimes you get a great one- most of the time you catch it in-between the drops & get nothing. Hurray for digital- right?!!
Now processing- I did boost clarity a bit & sharpened like crazy. But that was it.
Thanks Jaymi for giving me something cool to try.
Now I know I shared this last one on Saturday- but it’s my fav!!
Those of you that have this Cardiff fabric on your strap will recognize this.
Ooh! Such pretty colors and stripes! Can’t wait to try it myself!