You all- I have a little announcement to make!
I have something I have been working on for a little bit now. I’m sure to most of you, it won’t come as a surprise. I’m writing my first cookbook. Which is absolutely terrifying to type & put out to the world right now. Honestly, my mom begged us for YEARS to put a cookbook together. (This has been a topic in our house for at least the last 10 years) Each & every year I planned on getting to it. Each time we set a goal of getting started by sometime in the summer. Year after year, it didn’t happen. Then my mom passed away & she never got to see it happen. If I really look back, I wasn’t ready then. When she was asking for a book- I didn’t even own a decent camera, let alone know how to use one. So it has taken a lot of years to finally get to the point where I felt like we were ready.
But I still put it off. There was always something more pressing to do. Until we went to SNAP Conference. I had a long talk with Tauni– she’s the creator of SNAP & one AMAZING woman. She basically told me to get over myself, make the time & just do it. Starting with all our family favorites & go from there. In all reality, I probably would have drug my feet a little more & slowly worked on things & maybe rolled it out over the next year or so. I believed her, I did, I just had all this doubt too.
Then something else happened. My hubs left his 20+ year career in the fire service & packed up that helmet for good. Which then left this little ol’ blog as our only source of income. That’s scary, jolting & sort of takes my breath away to think about it. So I can’t put this off any longer. We are diversifying & branching out into the world of ebooks. For all you print copy lovers out there- that will be available too. Easy Family Recipes- Dinners will be available for pre-order soon with the full launch right behind it.
In our first book (with many more to come) we wanted to address everyone’s dreaded question- “what’s for dinner?” In this book, we’re sharing our top 21 recipes that we love to make for dinner time & time again.
We’re covering our favorite beef, chicken & pork dishes that we have been making for nearly 20 years. These recipes are tried, tested & perfected. They have been our “go-to” recipes that we make for guests, holidays & parties. They are always the crowd favorites & I hope you love them as much as we do!
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Right now I’m offering an exclusive offer to receive an extra 10% off the limited time, pre-order price when the book becomes available. Just sign up for our weekly email & once you confirm your subscription you will receive your discount code. Be sure to hold on to that – it’s only available to subscribers!! Pre-order will be here before you know it. All subscribers will be the first to know of all book updates, get exclusive deals on future publications & products & so much more!
So – now that I have told you all, I am fully committed to making it happen.
I’m jumping in with both feet & not looking back! Will you join me?
SO AMAZING!!!!!! Good for you!