Hi Everyone. On Tuesday evening my mom passed away after battling an agressive skin cancer since February. I am currently back home in So Cal while we work through all of this & I will be personally blogging very minimally until the end of the year. I do however have some AMAZING blogging friends that will be guest posting here & giving me that enormous support & help. So today- please welcome Emily- from Nap-Time Creations. Emily is incredibly talented in so many areas – I love her creativity! She is also one of my co-hosts for Create Link Inspire!!! Welcome Emily!!
Tips for Hosting a Cookie Exchange for Kids
‘Tis the season…and I mean COOKIE SEASON! I love Christmas baking! SO many fun colors, flavors and variety. I’ve hosted a cookie exchange for some of my mom friends for a few years now and today I thought I would share some of the tips I’ve learned a long the way. First, lets just say this is not your everyone bring six dozen, have a fun evening drinking cider away from the kids get-together. I wanted to get my kids involved in the decorating {and even baking} of my Christmas cookies. So… Tips for hosting a cookie exchange with kids:
Thank you so much Emily for your tips- LOVE them. Hoping to do this next Christmas season.
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