Back around National Cake Decorating Day I shared this Parchment Decorating Bag {Tutorial} over at Or So She Says. But I really wanted to share it here too. You see- my mom was a master at cake decorating. I grew up watching her create the most amazing cakes. One thing she always did was make these little parchment decorating bags. She would be piping frosting in all sorts of colors & these little bags were perfect. They would be scattered all over the counter as she worked – colors everywhere. Disposable & they hold just the right amount of frosting for delicate jobs. They are a fabulous little tool so I wanted to show you how to make them.
Place the triangle on a flat surface with the point facing you. Longest edge on top. I know that this image is the other way – just flip it around if it looks like this in front of you – the point should face in.
**A special “Thank you” to my son. He provided the hands that helped me photograph these steps.
Curl the right point up and under, bringing it toward you until that point & the one nearest you meet. The curled edge from the right point should lie on top.
Wrap the third point around to meet the other points in back. All 3 points align to form 1 sharp point.
You now have the bag’s cone.
Fold the points of the bag down into the bag.
You can add a little tape on the seam if desired – but this is not necessary.
At this point you can use a decorating tip without a coupler if you like. Just cut 3/4 in. off the end of the bag. Then drop the tip in, narrow end first.
The icing will hold it in place once filled.
Or you can slip your coupler in the end & snip. Then add your tip of choice.
Fill with icing – only about 1/2 way full. This is for small piping jobs. Not for frosting cupcakes.
Fold over ends – each corner & then fold over at the top & keep rolling it down until it’s sealed.
I usually chose to use the simplest way – no coupler, no tip. I just snipped the very tip of the parchment off to create a small hole.
Pipe your desired design or words – it’s that easy! When you are done- it’s disposable. No mess!
See – I told you it was simple. Far more durable than a plastic baggie too. I tend to bust the seam of the plastic bags – so this works much better for me. Plus it keeps the tip stiff where the plastic will stretch with pressure. Now you can make your own decorating bags whenever you need one.
Use it with my favorite frosting recipe!
Use it to decorate some of these great recipes!
Chocolate Gingerbread Cookie Bars
To see where I am linking today- visit HERE