Best Home Safety Tips for making sure your home is secure while you are away. Don’t be caught by surprise, take the steps now to protect your investment.
Being the spouse of someone in public service, I’m all too aware of the things that can happen when you’re away. In this day & age I believe that you can never be too careful. I know many of you just got back from your holiday travels, but with the new year & all sorts of holidays & events coming up soon, I wanted to give you my Best Home Safety Tips. These are tips that you can use both when you just away for a short time or when you will be gone for an extended period like on vacation.
Best Home Safety Tips
It doesn’t matter how long you will be away from your home, your neighbors are great for keeping an eye out for you while you are gone. They usually know your habits & routines & can easily spot when something is out of the ordinary & give you call to make sure everything is okay. We have even had our neighbors park in our driveway while on vacation so it looks like someone is home.
You can notify the postal service to hold your mail until you return that way packages don’t pile up on your doorstep letting people know when you are away. Going back to the tip above, we have our neighbors pick up our mail & packages while they watch over the house.
Don’t tell everyone where you are going & don’t post your travels on social media while you are away. This tells everyone you aren’t home. I also like to tighten my privacy settings on all my accounts before I leave just to make sure everyone doesn’t know what we’re up to.
Did you know that in many areas the police have a citizens patrol that can help watch over your house while you are gone? You can call them & ask to be added to their vacation watch & the volunteers they have helping them patrol the area can make driving by & checking on your house part of their route. Having extra patrol around your house & in your neighborhood is a big deterrent too.
Best Home Safety Tips
Even with all these things I mentioned above, nothing is as instant as having a wireless home monitoring system installed in your home. I know what you’re thinking, that gets pricey & complicated. That used to be true, but I found Notion, which is less expensive & more flexible than traditional security systems. Notion is an all in one, sensor that can tell you if doors are open, your sink is leaking, or a smoke alarm is going off, all from your phone. I love that peace of mind it gives because these are things you can’t know without this incredibly useful service. It’s a great way to keep an eye on your house even when you are not there. I really wish I had it when we took our trip back in the fall.
The Notion system lets you install without having to replace anything. It consists of the Bridge that you plug into the wall and it connects to your WiFi. The small sensors can be placed wherever you need them: by the water heater, under the sink, on windows & doors, water heater, washing machine, you name it. Anything you are concerned about while you are gone- add a sensor.
Best Home Safety Tips
I love that it can alert me to intruders like our old security system but those alerts to water leaks or the smoke alarm are added perks I really feel I need.
Best Home Safety Tips
It alerts me right on my phone & that’s so much more than what our old alarm could do. The best part – it’s more affordable than a security system & I can customize it to our needs. It’s really great that it is so easy to install that it can take less than 10 minutes to be up & running. Now that is cool!
Don’t forget to turn down your thermostat & water heater before leaving for a trip. This will help them run less often while you are away & that can not only help with the bill, but the less chance of something happening while they are in use too.
Doing these things will really help put your mind at ease while you are away, so you can enjoy your travels. I know I will rest easier knowing I have done everything I can to keep my home safe when I can’t be there.
Don’t miss these super great tips from Ashley too….
Simple Ways to Keep your Home Safe from Frugal Ginger
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It always fascinates me when people advertise that they are going away on a trip. It’s just not something I do. And I definitely agree that getting to know your neighbors is one of the best things possible, though rare these days. Our neighbors have been wonderful about keeping an eye out for unexpected packages or double checking locks while we’re away. Thanks for the great tips on wireless home systems!
I definitely agree that getting to know your neighbors is one of the best things possible, though rare these days. It always fascinates me when people advertise that they are going away on a trip. I know I will rest easier knowing I have done everything I can to keep my home safe when I can’t be there.
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