The hubs thinks I have LOST MY MIND. Yep- I save all the paper rolls in the house. I have this huge bag of them. He keeps saying “what on earth are you doing with all of these?? don’t you think you have enough by now” NOPE!! I don’t. I have all sorts of plans for these things & he just shakes his head & hopes that I find a new place to store them all. 🙂 Hehehe. Then I go & use a bunch for projects like these & then he sort of understands.
4th of July Paper Roll Craft
Yep- I just had to make a little painted decoration for the porch to help make it festive for the holiday. Flag Day is Tomorrow!!
I taped off & painted just a piece of cardboard. Then I cut & painted the rolls, glued them together & glued them on.
Obviously for the stars & pinched them to make them look more like stars. Added holes at the top & put a wire on for hanging.
I like this because I was able to re-purpose things around the house AND it’s super lightweight so I can hang in on just about anything.
Great project for the kids. My girls helped me with the cutting & pinching of the rolls.
Don’t forget to come back & join me on Mondays for Project 52
Oh that is amazing!!!!! What a fun idea!
How neat! Very ingenious Gina! ~Tammy
Adorable and who would have thought!? You are so creative.