I have long been in awe of images of lightning. It’s such a raw & powerful thing & since it happens so quickly, it can be difficult to capture. But I think this is why I was so drawn to learning how to capture it. There are many ways to do it & each photographer might have different tips. But these are the ways I have found most successful with my own photos.

6. I set my aperture to f/7 or so to make sure I am able to capture everything I see in focus. I have made the mistake of having it too open & ended up with the foreground in focus & the actual lightning was out of focus. So this is something I really feel is imperative.
oh wow these shots are amazing! I’ve always wanted to capture lightning, but we so rarely ever get any in LA. Your tips are great too!
That is something I would love to capture, just haven’t been in the right place at the right time. Although a week ago I did get a waterspout over the bay. Great captures and tips!!
WOW! These are fabulous, Gina! Living in Pennsylvania we have so many hills and trees around us that it is hard to see lighting, let alone capture it on film. One of these days though. I am determined to do this. Thanks for the inspiration!
Absolutely beautiful. I’ve tried to capture lightning before but because I’m so new at this, I didn’t really have any idea what I was doing. Did you know just standing outside and snapping is not a good method? LOL I can’t wait to try your tips. Have a great weekend.
Amazing. Great suggestions. I agree with the ISO being low, grainy pics ruin it for me. I wish we had wide open spaces for lightning, maybe someday I’ll get lucky!
These are BEYOND beautiful but I am the BIGGEST chicken when it comes to lighting so I could never do it ha 🙂 Amazing captures indeed!